From its foundation, APOLO has been created to attract key players in the Maritime decarbonization field
that can ensure the exploitation of project results when successful and that can further invest in the technologies developed to bring them to the market. In this sense and among others, APOLO counts with
ASTANDER, CORVUS, NUVERA, JM, FER and H2SITE, that are betting for the H2 economy.
The APOLO proposal envisages the achievement of numerous expected results (please see section 2.1.1.) of which the exploitable results are:
- KER1: Advanced power conversion system based on the combination of ammonia cracker and a high
efficiency PEM fuel cell and, - KER2: Advanced power conversion system based on the combination of ammonia cracker and a high
efficiency engine.
Additional KERs will be identified during APOLO project (WP1) specific to some of the materials/products that will be developed and exploit (i.e. new catalyst for NH3 decomposition, innovative membranes and sorbents, new ammonia resistant fuel cells, novel engines, new exhaust gas catalysts). For all of them a clear exploitation plan and strategy will be evaluated with the interest partners.