About Nuvera:
Nuvera is a division of Nuvera Fuel Cells, LLC, a global provider of efficient and reliable zero-emission power systems for on- and off-road vehicles, port equipment, stationary power and maritime applications. Nuvera® Fuel Cell Engines power numerous motive and stationary applications worldwide. Our customers leverage Nuvera’s three decades of technology development and field experience proven in real-world operation.
Nuvera, based in Milan, provides engineering and application services related to fuel cell system design and development. Nuvera operates a testing, qualification, and service facility for assuring the durability and reliability of Nuvera fuel cell products and components.
Role in APOLO:
Nuvera’s role in the APOLO project is to adapt its heavy-duty 125 kW fuel cell engine to receive low pressure hydrogen derived from an ammonia cracker. Nuvera will support the validation of the fully integrated fuel cell power system, as well as participate in the development of a business case and the dissemination of the project outcome.
website: https://www.nuvera.com/